Hungary 20 Filler 1953 to 1989

Hungary 20 Filler 1953 to 1989

These are modern coins made of aluminum. The words on the front mean 'People 's Republic of Hungary'. The BP letters below the denomination FILLER stands for Budapest, the city where the coins were struck.

20 FILLER 1953 to 1966
worn: $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: $2
well preserved: $6
fully uncirculated: $12

20 FILLER 1967 to 1989
worn: less than $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: $1
well preserved: $2
fully uncirculated: $4

The Standard Catalog of World Coins list a coin with an 'error date' of 7971, which is 1971 with the leading '1' appearing as a '7'. We have never seen one of these coins, nor can we find a picture of one. If you can find one, it is probably worth $20 or more, depending on condition.

Please see our Important Terminology page in order to properly interpret the catalog values on this page.

Coin: 18907, Genre: Central Europe North South, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201502, Last review: 201502
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1953, filter: 1953 to 1989
Image: hungary_20_filler_1967.jpg

Tags: grain encircled symbol circal hungaru rings symbal hungarian symbels sliver magyar ungaria hungaria circling base wheat ends encircles circel encircle wheats hungari siver hungarie wheatie feinsilber ringed silver circumference encircling simbol ring wing filler vngarie maghyar symbols circles loop circumscribed silber circumscibed circuit macyar hungary hungariae hung ending silverish symbles hvngar vngaria circlet circle ungarie grains hvng hvngariae argent loops simble circular incircled 20th winged hungar wings circled 3rd end silb silba

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