Pakistan 1/2 Anna and 2 Annas 1948 to 1951

Pakistan 1/2 Anna and 2 Annas 1948 to 1951

As far as we can tell, these coins are sleepers. Sleeper is coin collector slang for coins that are worth more than what people think they are worth. The catalogs indicate very low value. But, when you try to find one to add to your collection, you have a tough time and ultimately pay a lot more than the catalogs suggest.

The Pakistan 1/2 and 2 anna coins are both square and both have the same patterns, front and back. The obvious difference is in the annotation: HALF ANNA or TWO ANNAS in Latin letters. There are similar coins for later years. This page applies only to coins with the pattern shown.

worn: less than $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: $1
well preserved: $4
fully uncirculated: $10

Our catalog values above are our best estimates based on actual sales. Other sources might supply lower catalog values. Be sure to understand how catalog values work by reading our Terminology page.

The values above apply to all dates of HALF ANNA and TWO ANNAS coins, except the 1950 TWO ANNAS, which is worth more:

worn: $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: $3
well preserved: $9
fully uncirculated: $20

Coin: 18935, Genre: Islamic Hindu Buddhist, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201502, Last review: 201502
Appearance: Square or rectangular shape Metallic gray Letters: Latin Flowing style
Years: sort: 1948, filter: 1948 to 1951
Image: pakistan_1_2_anna_1951.jpg

Tags: encircled circal rings halves crecesnt moon 2nd crescent circling halfe stars encircles circel encircle pakistan anna ringed circumference encircling burst ring circles loop annas circumscribed circumscibed circuit circlet star cresent circle starburst half toughra starrs 1st tughra loops circular incircled circled tugrha

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