Mexico 50 Centavos (Bronze and Copper-Nickel, with Cuauhtemoc) 1955 to 1983

Mexico 50 Centavos (Bronze and Copper-Nickel, with Cuauhtemoc) 1955 to 1983

These neat 50 centavos coins come in bronze and copper-nickel:

BRONZE: 1955 to 1959
COPPER-NICKEL: 1964 to 1983

The hard-to-miss Aztec emperor, Cuauhtemoc, appears on the front, and the national arms of Mexico appears on the back. There is also a silver 5 pesos coin with Cuauhtemoc (click to this CoinQuest page). You can find an in-depth description of the 50 centavos coins over at Wikidot. Here is how the catalog values go:

worn: less than $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: $1
well preserved: $3
fully uncirculated: $8
bronze coins dated 1955 are more rare; multiply these values by two
bronze coins dated 1959 are more common; divide these values by two

worn: less than $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: less than $1
well preserved: $1
fully uncirculated: $3
copper-nickel coins dated 1977 are quite rare; multiply these values by ten

Be sure you understand how catalog values work. Click to our Terminology page.

Coin: 18998, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201502, Last review: 202110
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1955, filter: 1955 to 1983
Image: mexico_50_centavos_1968.jpg

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