Russia Rouble (Romanov Dynasty) 1913

Russia Rouble (Romanov Dynasty) 1913

This is a czar Nicholas II 'Romanov Dynasty' rouble struck by the St. Petersburg mint, a popular one-year type commemorating the 300th Anniversary of the Russia's ruling family, the Romanov Dynasty. By 1917 the Romanov Dynasty came to an end when the Russian Empire dissolved to the Marxist Bolsheviks, paving the way for the Soviet Union.

These coins contain 0.579 troy ounces of silver, but their numismatic (coin collector) value out-shadows their silver value:

worn: $40 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $80
well preserved: $160
fully uncirculated: $360

The nice example in our picture comes from Emporium Hamburg where it is currently on the auction block with an estimated hammer price of 190 euros (about $200 US dollars). The coin has excellent eye appeal and I would estimate the final hammer will fall around the $300 mark.

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Russia Rouble (Romanov Dynasty) 1913
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Coin: 19132, Genre: Orthodox and Slavic, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201503, Last review: 201503
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Block style
Years: sort: 1913, filter: 1913 to 1913
Image: russia_rouble_1913.jpg

Tags: headed parrot hat slicing scripts beading period male pybah letter bearded peoples bordered pvbab periods monograms wiskers whisker man helmets twice birds eagles russian owl russland eaglets type headband gull lettering moulding fez hooded initials five border goty cruciform pvbah doubling perimeter people crow bonnet crossing beard pigeon egals lining expand beaded slash flamingo pvkak beareded helmet dynasty boundrey lined wing lines rusia expanded lyrebird caligraphy point inscription peple pvkah hood mans two bar heads cone maltese dots headdress rouble oneheaded pykak pykah beads crosses monogram pybab points slice tzar crossbar head mens bars beared helmit slanted person initals letters crossed roubles russia ruble cccp rubles caps bird double bead line cap maltise doubled pybak bounded rooblya criss pygak winged eagel dot outlined wings cross tee scrip inscriptions doubles bordering outline helmeted boundary eagle goatee slant persons romanov types gotee lettered egal pybnb boarder dotted script czar whiskers outlining pvbak calligraphy initial

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