China Manchukuo (Manchoukuo) 5 and 10 Fen 1933 to 1939

China Manchukuo (Manchoukuo) 5 and 10 Fen 1933 to 1939

At the end of World War I, Japan had designs of world domination and they pushed into China in an attempt to control the entire Asiatic region. The region around today's Manchuria became known as 'Japanese Puppet States' and they even minted coins like this one in an attempt to dominate. The area was restored to China at the end of World War II.

These nifty 5 and 10 fen coins were minted in 1933 and 1934. Both are made of copper-nickel:

5 FEN: about 20 mm diameter
10 FEN: about 23 mm diameter

Catalog values for these coins run like this:

worn: $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: $3
well preserved: $8
fully uncirculated: $25

10 FEN (also known as a chiao)
worn: $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: $4
well preserved: $10
fully uncirculated: $35

These are general catalog values and they apply to all the dates in the series. Coins with a date known as 'TT-2' are somewhat more valuable. If you have a TT-2 coin, either 5 or 10 fen, multiply the catalog values by two.

Coin: 19210, Genre: The Sinosphere, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201504, Last review: 201504
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Chinese style
Years: sort: 1933, filter: 1933 to 1939
Image: china_manchukuo_10_fen_1933.jpg

Tags: stemming bloomed stem leis lilly jets fleur 5th flour chinese exonumia blossom manchoukuo lis flur bouquet petels jeton flowers petal orchid match doubling petals matches china jetons fler ietton flower modern chineese chine trefoil jetton 10th manchukuo matching jet lises lily taiwan bud pedals trefoils dragons lilys tokens floer fluer fleures lei double floral doubled dogwood chian lisse stems dragon doubles flowery fleurs fen token orcid

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