Nepal 1 and 2 Rupees 2001 to Date

Nepal 1 and 2 Rupees 2001 to Date

Thanks so much, Lunna, for describing your coin in great detail. I wish all our visitors were like you. Often we get request like 'I have a coin. I can't read it. What's it worth?' lol!

So you can see by the picture that you have a modern 1 rupee from Nepal. The circle, square, and trident design appears on many Nepalese coins. Modern 2 rupee coins also have buildings on them. No older coins have buildings, but they have the circle, square, and trident design.

As to value, these coins are made of steel (often brass plated) and therefore carry no value due to precious metal. Roughly:

circulated: less than $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
fully uncirculated: $5

Collectors like to add coins like this to their collections. They are willing to pay far above face value if the coin looks nice.

Coin: 19337, Genre: Islamic Hindu Buddhist, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201505, Last review: 201505
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Metallic gray Letters: Flowing style Block style
Years: sort: 2001, filter: 2001 to 2050
Image: nepal_rupee_2004.jpg

Tags: encircled alphabet oriental dwelling marc slicing thonged rupees symbol beading period fort circal asia sammelmarke bordered periods rings symbal marke rupien symbels rectangle reichsmark courthouse marck prongs alphabets orient rupie moulding pronged 2nd border rupia aribic circling architectural skyline arabia encircles circel encircle rupiye ruppee lining cabin ringed squares reicshmark circumference beaded skyscraper encircling slash simbol pitch ring boxes boundrey lined hut three lines interrogation triton kohlenmarke squarish trisul nepal point markas symbols circles loop bar circumscribed thong circumscibed dots rectangular circuit box barn squared deuchmark beads boxed symbles rectangles arab square points slice battlements sammel trident circlet crossbar circle forks building casa bars arabian slanted residence fork 1st arabic dreimark loops mark bead line dutchemark bounded simble one pitchfork circular incircled marks architecture buildings home house ones dot workhouse outlined reichmark deutschemark circled bordering houses outline 3rd boundary rupee buildin satzmarke slant arabesque rupiah boarder dotted outlining structure asian

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