Ancient Rome Julian II Bronze and Siliqua (VOT MVLT) 360AD to 363AD

Ancient Rome Julian II Bronze and Siliqua (VOT MVLT) 360AD to 363AD

These are coins of Roman emperor Julian II 'the Apostate' who reigned from 360 to 363AD. Contrary to the 'apostate' nickname, the wreathed inscription on the back is kin to the modern 'God save the king' since VOTIS MULTIS is Latin for 'many prayers.' I am not sure, but the Roman numerals associated with VOT and MVLT may be prayer and year counts: 10 prayers for 20 more years of reign. Would that be 200 years total? lol

These come as bronze coins weighing about 3.2 grams and as silver silqua weighing about 2.0 grams.

The bronze in our main photo (upper left) comes from Roma Numismatics in London where it sold for 110 British pounds (about $170 US dollars) during a 2014 auction. The Roma coin is in wonderful condition, with little wear and astounding eye appeal. Most you see do not make as strong an impact:

worn: $40 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $100
well preserved: $200

The silver version of this coin, the siliqua, is worth more than the bronze coins. The large picture below is a siliqua from highly respected Fritz Rudolf Kunker in Osnabruck, Germany. It sold for 300 euros (about $330 US dollars) during a 2015 auction.

SILIQUA (silver)
worn: $60 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $250
well preserved: $500


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Ancient Rome Julian II Bronze and Siliqua (VOT MVLT) 360AD to 363AD
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Coin: 19460, Genre: Ancient, Timeline: Ancient
Created (yyyymm): 201505, Last review: 201505
Appearance: Unusual or irregular shape Metallic brown Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 360, filter: 360 to 363
Image: rome_julian_ii_bronze.jpg

Tags: hat male garland reif cupro bronzes man helmets copper bronze headband fez hooded brass romanorum coppery reef juliana bonnet wreah helmet roma hood romen wreath mans headdress votis vot rome roman mens coppers wreathed julianna helmit wreth julianan caps romana rief cap siliqua romanorvm helmeted julian wreaths wreathe wreat ancient

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