US Fugio Copper 1787

US Fugio Copper 1787

This is the popular early federal coinage designed by Benjamin Franklin and so named for the word FUGIO ('I fly'). The copper coin was to circulate with the value of one cent, but no denomination is stated on the coin. It is curious that modern American politics has changed dramatically since 1787. 'Mind Your Business' counters today's 'Political Correctness,' and 'We Are One' counters today's 'Strength Through Diversity.'

Evaluating these coins is a bit beyond this simple CoinQuest forum. There are several different varieties of the Fugio copper, and values change with variety. For a good run-down on varieties with value estimates, see this page at CoinAuctionHelp. Further, the coin has been re-struck and reproduced several times, with plenty of un-marked fakes around. You can view a thorough treatment of fugio cents at the Department of Special Collections, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, including a description of restrikes. Authentication by PCGS, NGC, ICG, or ANACS is strongly recommended for any fugio copper.

With the qualifiers of the previous paragraph, we give below some approximate average data:

worn: $200 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $1000
well preserved: $3000

worn: $600 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $7000
well preserved: $10000

worn: $1000 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $15000
well preserved: $28000

The values above are catalog values. Read our Terminology page to convert these catalog values to actual buy and sell values.

For a little more insight into value, consider the four coins shown in the graphic below, labeled (A), (B), (C), and (D).

The (A) coin is a superb specimen of a common variety piece sold by Bruun Rasmussen in Denmark for 1700 euros (about $1900 US dollars) during a 2006 auction. The coin would probably sell for $2500 today. CoinQuest thanks Bruun Rasmussen for use of their coin photo.

The (B) coin is at the other end of the spectrum. It is a common variety (club rays with rounded ends) which sold for $175 during a 2009 auction.

The (C) and (D) coins are not genuine. (C) is a modern legal reproduction of a fugio cent which is worth about $10. What makes (C) legal is the word COPY stamped into the design (on the back, not shown). The (D) coin is a fake without the word COPY inscribed. Such fakes are found on auction sites around the Internet. They usually sell for $5 to $10.

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US Fugio Copper 1787
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Coin: 19613, Genre: United States, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201506, Last review: 201506
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1787, filter: 1787 to 1787
Image: us_fugio_cent_1787.jpg

Tags: business sunshine bordered time cupro bronzes sola copper bronze mind moulding border brass fugio coppery sunset boundrey sun sunrise coppers chains sunburst sunlight bounded one dial sol ones times bordering boundary sols chain boarder

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