US Mardi Gras Doubloons

Token US Mardi Gras Doubloons

For more than 100 years, people have been throwing trinkets and novelties into the crowds attending Mardi Gras celebrations in New Orleans, Louisiana. Around 50 years ago, designers came up with an interesting souvenir that was lightweight and could be inscribed with the theme and logo of each particular carnival group, also known as a 'krewe.' These lightweight tokens, which are also known as 'doubloons,' quickly became popular among collectors and the Mardi Gras crowds.

Mardi Gras crowds especially like the doubloons because they are made of plastic, aluminum or other lightweight metal and don't cause injury when they're thrown from a parade float.

The designs change annually to correspond with each year's parade topic. The doubloons are typically larger than a silver dollar. While many of them have the original metal color that looks grey/silver, quite a few of them are also colorized: blue, yellow, green, red, and purple are all popular doubloon colors. Values range from a few cents apiece for most modern tokens to around $10 for some more desirable earlier pieces. The more desirable tokens are generally from the 1960s and early 1970s, not made of plastic, and also bear the logo of a popular or well-known krewe. Search on eBay for 'Mardi Gras doubloon' and you will get a good idea of value for specific krewe.

There are other doubloons that have been manufactured strictly for collectors. These ones are made of heavier metals (you can't throw these into a crowd!) and most of them are either sterling 0.925 silver or .999 pure silver. There are bronze issues as well. Bronze issues are typically worth about $1 apiece and the silver issues are worth about $25 apiece. As with the throwable versions, the more desirable silver and bronze doubloons with earlier dates and well-known krewes on them can have an added premium, generally not more than $5 or $10 though.

If you're interested in collecting these tokens, they are readily available online and many coin shops have them as well. The Mardi Gras celebration takes place every year in New Orleans on the day before Ash Wednesday (first day of Lent), but the parades and celebrations begin a few weeks before that. If you're in the area, you can go catch some doubloons for free!

Public Comments & Questions

rexeo | Hi,I have a question about doubloons in general.
My daughter owns a One Doubloon 1751 which is a fake but was made I believe for the making of Moby Dick the Movie in the 1950's - are you able to advise a value or more details about it? - 6 days ago

CoinQuest | Rexeo -- I have looked in all my old haunts for new information on your daughter's doubloon, but have not found much. The article at this link confirms your Moby Dick hypothesis, but you probably know that. - Link: [] - 4 days ago

CoinQuest | As to value, there are two forms of a 1751 doubloon. This one is worth $10 to $20. Press the link - Link: [] - 4 days ago

CoinQuest | And this one is worth a dollar or two. - Link: [] - 4 days ago

Public comments and questions
US Mardi Gras Doubloons
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Coin: 19868, Genre: Tokens, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201508, Last review: 202202
Appearance: Painted ~ Colored Metallic brown Metallic gray Metallic yellow Non-metallic Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1990, filter: 1948 to 2050
Image: us_mardi_gras.jpg

Tags: jets doubloons dabbloon exonumia jeton doblon jetons ietton jetton jet doubloon tokens mardi token

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