Bermuda 3, 9, 30, 60, and 180 dollars 1996 1998

Bermuda 3, 9, 30, 60, and 180 dollars 1996 1998

These are beautiful, and unusual, coins. Made in a handful of different denominations, these triangle-shaped oddities were minted in base metal, silver, and gold to commemorate the Bermuda Triangle. The obverse shows a crowned Queen Elizabeth and the various reverse designs display nautical things like waves, rigging, ships, compasses, and maps of the island.

These coins have low mintages and most of them were struck with proof finishes. Here's the list:

1997 and 1998 1 DOLLAR, 35 mm diameter: made of copper nickel, no silver or gold
1997 1 DOLLAR, 39 mm diameter: 0.84 troy ounces pure silver
1997 1 DOLLAR, 28 mm diameter: 0.48 ounces silver
1998 1 DOLLAR, 35 mm diameter: 0.60 ounces silver
1996, 1997 and 1998 3 DOLLARS: 0.60 ounces silver
1998 3 DOLLARS, 35 mm diameter: 1.01 troy ounces pure gold
1998 3 DOLLARS, 15 mm diameter: 0.05 ounces gold
1996, 1997 and 1998 9 DOLLARS, 65 mm diameter: 5.00 ounces silver
1996, 1997 and 1998 30 DOLLARS, 27 mm diameter: 0.5 ounces gold
1996, 1997 and 1998 60 DOLLARS, 35 mm diameter: 1.01 ounces gold
1996, 1997 and 1998 180 DOLLARS, 65 mm diameter: 5.00 ounces gold

To evaluate these coins, you first must compute Base Value (BV) of the precious metal they contain. Use a web site like to find the current price of gold and silver, then multiply.

For instance, if you have a 3 dollar silver coin with 0.60 troy ounces of silver, and if silver is trading at $15 US dollars per troy ounce, the Base Value is BV = 0.60 * 15 = $9 US dollars. Note that "troy" is understood when dealing with precious metal ounce measurements.

The value of these coins cannot go below BV, but, because they are super-neat, and because their mintage has been artificially limited by Bermuda, they may sell above BV. We can only give a 'rule of thumb' for value above BV, since individual coins sell based on personal preference and artificially limited supply and demand. Very roughly:

Retail price = 1.3 * BV (rule of thumb)

Finally, since the 1 DOLLAR copper nickel coins have zero BV, catalog values are:

worn: $2 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $3
well preserved: $5
fully uncirculated: $20

For more information on catalog values check out our Terminology page.

Coin: 20026, Genre: Modern-only, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201508, Last review: 202110
Appearance: Unusual or irregular shape Metallic gray Metallic yellow Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1996, filter: 1996 to 1998
Image: bermuda_triangle_1998.jpg

Tags: tiera waves wavy 60th wavey lizabeth compass iceland tiarra elizebeth bermuda tiara boats 180 flagship crown waive wave doller burmuda outriggers sailingship crowning elizibeth waving elisabeth sail queen galley crowns ship elizabet cutter sailboat queens elizabeth crowned clipper dollare elisabet masted warship elizabith boat dollars triangle steamboat islands dollar ships saling sails vessel dol island 3rd outrigger triangles dolls sailing triangular

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