France Souvenir Notre Dame

Token France Souvenir Notre Dame

These are souvenir tokens sold at the famous cathedral in Paris. You can find them for re-sale on eBay for a few US dollars.

There are various patterns. I've seen really nice ones -- with superb eye appeal -- selling as high as $10. Condition and eye appeal mean a lot to coin collectors.

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France Souvenir Notre Dame
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Coin: 20151, Genre: Tokens, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201509, Last review: 202204
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1990, filter: 1948 to 2050
Image: france_notre_dame_2005.jpg

Tags: franciase church francais francaises dame katherdale souvenir france francai keepsakes gaul shrine cathedral fran gallic souvenirs gall notre franciaise catholic francaise cathederal cath gallen sovenir fracaise gallens cathedrale francie french souv mosque paris sovenirs

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