US Masonic Entered, Passed, Raised

Token US Masonic Entered, Passed, Raised

In Freemasonry there are three levels, or degrees, of achievement or rank: EA (Entered Apprentice), FC (Fellow Craft), and MM (Master Mason). One is entered as an EA, passed to FC, and raised to MM. These correspond, roughly, to youth, manhood, and age, and are represented by slightly different configurations of the well known compass-and-square symbol, as shown on our page about EA, FC, MM tokens.

If a particular token holds special sentimental or emotional value to someone, they might be willing to pay quite a bit to procure one. Without sentiment or emotion, these generally sell retail as follows:

worn or damaged: $2 US dollars
in superb, pristine condition: $20

Coin: 20238, Genre: Tokens, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201510, Last review: 201510
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1990, filter: 1948 to 2050
Image: us_mason_entered_passed_raised.jpg

Tags: slicing rectangle mallot masons lining squares slash boxes freemasonry lined mallets lines squarish hammers masonic mason bar mallet rectangular box squared boxed rectangles square slice freemason crossbar bars freemasons slanted hammered sledge sledgehammer line outlined outline slant hammer outlining

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