Turkey 1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, and 500 Lira 1957 to 1997

Turkey 1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, and 500 Lira 1957 to 1997

The coins summarized in this article are either identical to our example or have only slight variations in the design - which is the profile of Mustafa Kemal Atat�rk (Turkey's first president) on the obverse, and the value and date within a wreath on the reverse.

These coins are all made out of base metal. The compositions vary from stainless steel to aluminum, copper-nickel, aluminum-bronze, and copper-nickel-zinc. The majority of these coins have catalog values of $1 or less even in fully uncirculated condition. There are a few better dates in the 1 lira series, which are listed below. If your 1 lira is a better date, but not in the condition specified on the list, it is worth $1 or less. The values are in U.S. dollars.

ALMOST ALL COINS (except the 1 LIRA coins below):
worn: less than $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: less than $1
well preserved: less than $1
fully uncirculated: $1 or less


1957 - fully uncirculated: $3
1959 - fully unc.: $10
1960 - fully unc.: $10
1961 - fully unc.: $20
1962 - fully unc.: $8
1963 - fully unc.: $8
1964 - fully unc.: $5
1965 - fully unc.: $3
1966 - fully unc.: $3

1967 has two varieties. One weighs 8 grams and the other weighs 7 grams.
1967 8 grams - well preserved: $15
1967 8 grams - fully unc.: $25
1967 7 grams - fully unc.: $3

Please note that the values listed above are catalog values, which often differ from actual buy and sell values. For more information on catalog values, check out our Terminology page.

Coin: 20566, Genre: Islamic Hindu Buddhist, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201600, Last review: 201600
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1957, filter: 1957 to 1997
Image: turkey_500_lira_1990.jpg

Tags: fern lire garland reif goldenen liafy 5th crecesnt leaves outteredge leaf moon rim crescent turkish stars wheat reef edging leave turks wheats edged leaved leafs turkee cummuriyeti edges wheatie wreah 100 burst lyre leafe gold leafy 10th wreath bough 50th leafed golden gildt 100th leavs foliage star cresent starburst goldish wreathed turkiye ferns starrs wreth 1st turkey boughs 25th rief 500 ivy cumhiriyeti 20th greenery wreaths wreathe wreat bush lira edge cumhuriyeti

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