Russia 5, 10, and 25 Roubles (Fakes are possible) 1895 to 1897

Russia 5, 10, and 25 Roubles (Fakes are possible) 1895 to 1897

CoinQuest thanks Baldwin's in London for use of their photos of these extremely valuable coins:

5 ROUBLES: 1895 and 1896
10 ROUBLES: 1895 thru 1897
25 ROUBLES: 1896 only

These coins are worth tens of thousands of US dollars, or hundreds of thousands of US dollars. To qualify for these prices, coins must be dated as shown above and look like our picture, with Nicholas II on the front and an encircled imperial eagle on the back.

Unfortunately for requester Moe, his coin is a fake -- one of many such fakes. The images below show a genuine 10 roubles from Baldwin's and the counterfeit 10 roubles from Moe. There are clear differences in pattern.

It could be that Moe's fake coin is made of gold. Take it to a jeweler and have it tested. If it is gold, it is worth its weight in precious metal. If it is not gold, it is a good conversation piece.

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Russia 5, 10, and 25 Roubles (Fakes are possible) 1895 to 1897
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Coin: 20648, Genre: Orthodox and Slavic, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201601, Last review: 201601
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic yellow Letters: Block style
Years: sort: 1895, filter: 1895 to 1897
Image: russia_5_rouble_1895.jpg

Tags: encircled headed pybah circal bearded fake pvbab rings wiskers goldenen whisker forges 5th eagles russian russland eaglets forge goty sideburns mustache forgery circling pvbah doubling encircles beard circel encircle egals sideburn ringed circumference encircling pvkak beareded ring fakes gold rusia replicas forger counterfeit 10th pvkah circles moustache loop repro circumscribed heads circumscibed circuit rouble oneheaded pykak pykah replica golden mushtash gildt pybab circlet head circle goldish beared counterfiet counterfet roubles russia reproduction ruble cccp rubles loops double 25th doubled pybak rooblya circular incircled pygak eagel tee circled doubles counterfeits eagle goatee gotee egal pybnb whiskers pvbak reproductions

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