India Laxmi - Ganesh (Lakshmi - Ganesha) Good Luck Gift

Token India Laxmi - Ganesh (Lakshmi - Ganesha) Good Luck Gift

These tokens display side-by-side portraits of Hindu Laxmi (or Lakshmi), goddess of wealth, fortune, and prosperity, and Ganesh (or Ganesha), remover of obstacles, with other attributes befitting a god. The tokens almost always display a swastika, symbol of good luck.

As to value, these tokens are often given as gifts during the Hindu festival of Diwali, celebrating victory of light over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair. As with most gifts, you can find very modest renditions and very expensive ones as well. Gifts, also, carry sentimental value which is basically impossible to quantify.

Generally, tokens made out of base metal catalog like this:

worn: $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: $3
well preserved: $10
fully uncirculated: $25

Silver tokens are worth their weight in precious metal. It usually takes a jeweler to analyze silver content, which varies with size, weight, and purity.

Coin: 20890, Genre: Tokens, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201602, Last review: 201602
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Metallic gray Letters: Latin Flowing style
Years: sort: 1990, filter: 1948 to 2050
Image: india_laxmi_ganesh.jpg

Tags: fern encircled north swasticka beading period god circal swastika deum cupro bronzes diety periods rings 4th liafy ind way leaves sitting inde leaf oes copper goddess wests bronze stool swatz dei 2nd hindu water brass eastern india coppery sud circling western south ends encircles divine swastick southern leave circel encircle leaved leafs ouest west ringed circumference beaded encircling swatstika ring ganesh tailed ganesha leafe gods point hindi leafy circles loop circumscribed dom circumscibed east sit dots circuit lakshmi nord mahalakshmi seated bough lucky ending deo beads zuid leafed swazticka leavs points swas foliage sitted deus swaztika tail circlet deity swastiks circle seat easterly coppers ferns sits swats boughs loops bead suid swastik tails nsdap luck circular incircled nazi swastikas ivy oest laxmi ziud devm dot swaztica circled 3rd greenery dios godess end bush dotted

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