Ancient Rome Silver Denarius with Caligula and Agrippina the Elder 37AD to 41AD

Ancient Rome Silver Denarius with Caligula and Agrippina the Elder 37AD to 41AD

Vipsania Agrippina, most commonly known as Agrippina Major or Agrippina the Elder, was a distinguished and prominent Roman woman of the first century. She was the wife of the general and statesman Germanicus, and mother of Roman Emperor Caligula, who appears on the other side of this silver denarius.

The coin in our main picture (upper left) comes from Roma Numismatics in London, where it sold for 2000 British pounds (about $2800 US dollars) during a 2015 auction. Roma's coin is in beautiful shape with well-centered patterns and legible inscriptions. Coins in worse shape are worth much less:

worn: $400 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $1000
well preserved: $2000

Unfortunately, requester TD has a fake Caligula and Agrippina denarius, shown in our smaller picture to the right. You can see the marked differences in surface characteristics, and the erroneous pattern of TD's coin. It is worth about zero. Sorry.

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Ancient Rome Silver Denarius with Caligula and Agrippina the Elder 37AD to 41AD
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Coin: 20914, Genre: Ancient, Timeline: Ancient
Created (yyyymm): 201603, Last review: 201603
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 37, filter: 37 to 41
Image: rome_caligula_agrippina.jpg

Tags: tiera headed curvy male garland reif peoples swirls denar curves man sliver hairline scribble twice tiarra tiara denarius romanorum curl crown reef people falls siver fall swirl wreah feinsilber caligula silver twirly bowed curly crowning stern curlicues curved roma peple romen wreath mans two heads swirly curving denario crowns silber oneheaded silverish crowned squiggley rome curve head curlycue roman mens elder wreathed squiggles person wreth sqiggles denari argent romana swoosh rief curls one squigle agrippina hair romanorvm ones squiggly neck wreaths scribbles hairdo wreathe persons wreat silb ancient squiggle falling silba

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