Canada Saskatchewan Prairie Lily 1905

Medal Canada Saskatchewan Prairie Lily 1905

This is a low-value medal from the Canadian Province of Saskatchewan. These sell for $5 to $15 US dollars, depending on condition.

Saskatchewan entered the Canadian Confederation on September 1, 1905. According to a CoinQuest visitor named Henri, this medal was produced in modern times as part of a gasoline promotion.

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Canada Saskatchewan Prairie Lily 1905
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Coin: 20926, Genre: Medals, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201603, Last review: 201603
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1905, filter: 1905 to 1905
Image: canada_saskatchewan_1905.jpg

Tags: escutcheon stemming grain bloomed shiled praire stem leis lilly crests fleur flour crest blossom lis flur insignia chevrons bouquet petels tigers lion flowers petal orchid arm wheat petals shields wheats wheatie fler tiger flower coats lions trefoil canadienne canada chevron coat lises logo lily bud canadian arms pedals trefoils lilys creast grains floer fluer cougar sheild fleures lei floral prarie canad canadaian dogwood prairie crested saskatchewan lisse stems flowery shield escucheon fleurs orcid candian shild

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