Canada Royal Black Knights 1912 to Date

Token Canada Royal Black Knights 1912 to Date

The Royal Black Institution is a religious and fraternal organization, similar to, and related to, other secret societies like the Freemasons and Knights Templar.

There are several different tokens issued by the Blacks, most notably those of Canadian chapters and shown in the pictures on this page.

Genuine vintage tokens can be quite valuable when in decent condition. Very approximately:

worn: $6 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $12
well preserved: $22
fully uncirculated: $45

Use our Important Terminology page to understand how catalog values work.

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Canada Royal Black Knights 1912 to Date
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Coin: 21049, Genre: Tokens, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201603, Last review: 201603
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1912, filter: 1912 to 2050
Image: royal_black_knights.jpg

Tags: encircled tiera dwelling symbol fort circal rings symbal symbels courthouse knight tiarra tiara heart cruciform circling architectural crown skyline black encircles crossing hearts circel encircle masons cabin ringed circumference skyscraper encircling simbol knights ring nobleman freemasonry crowning royale hut masonic mason symbols canadienne circles loop circumscribed canada crowns circumscibed maltese circuit bone barn skull crosses symbles crowned etc canadian battlements freemason circlet circle building casa freemasons chains residence crossed loops triangle canad canadaian maltise simble one circular criss incircled architecture buildings home house royal ones heartshape workhouse royalty cross circled houses buildin chain bones triangles blackish candian structure triangular

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