US Flowing Hair Half Dime, Half Dollar, and Dollar (Fakes are possible) 1794 and 1795

US Flowing Hair Half Dime, Half Dollar, and Dollar (Fakes are possible) 1794 and 1795

These flowing hair coins are exceedingly rare. They were replaced with draped bust coinage, which look similar, in 1795.

If you think you have a genuine specimen, by all means contact a knowledgeable collector or professional coin dealer for an in-person inspection.


Very approximately, catalog values in US dollars are:

HALF DIME: 16 mm diameter, $800 heavily worn, $8000 well preserved
HALF DOLLAR: 32 mm diameter, $800 heavily worn, $10000 well preserved
DOLLAR: 40 mm diameter, $1600 heavily worn, $16000 well preserved

As with all valuable coins, fakes are possible. Our graphic to the right shows four fakes, and many other fakes exist. When a replica coin shows the word COPY somewhere on the surface, it is a legal reproduction, and legal reproductions are bought and sold as collector items for a few dollars or tens of dollars. Most fakes are meant to deceive collectors. These are the illegal ones.

Coin: 21110, Genre: United States, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201604, Last review: 201604
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1794, filter: 1794 to 1795
Image: us_flowing_hair.jpg

Tags: garland reif female fake woman halves forges hairline eagles eaglets women ladies forge fem forgery ladys halfe stars falcon reef doller egals wreah females dime womens fakes lady replicas forger counterfeit bride wreath repro womans replica dollare hawk dimes star wreathed half counterfiet starrs wreth counterfet reproduction dollars rief dollar femal feminine hair eagel dol counterfeits eagle wreaths hairdo wreathe wreat egal princess dolls reproductions

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