Great Britain Sixpence, Shilling, Half Crown, and Crown 1727 to 1758

Great Britain Sixpence, Shilling, Half Crown, and Crown 1727 to 1758

These silver coins were minted in Great Britain during the reign of George II. There are several variations, but the patterns are all basically the same with the king's portrait on the front and crowned, cruciformed coats of arms on the back. The denominations differ in size:

SIXPENCE: 1728 to 1758, about 21 mm diameter
SHILLING: 1727 to 1758, about 25 mm diameter
HALF CROWN: 1731 to 1751, about 33 mm diameter
CROWN: 1732 to 1751, about 42 mm diameter

In addition to slight variations and different denominations, there are also clearly defined varieties. The main varieties have to do with what, if anything, appears between the shields on the reverse side. 'Plumes between shields' and 'roses between shields' are examples of such varieties. Our simplified CoinQuest forum lumps all varieties together. If these coins interest you, be sure to invest in a good coin catalog.

These coins are old enough, and popular enough, that each specimen stands on its own merits. If a particular coin has excellent eye appeal, even though it may be worn, values can go up significantly. We provide only very general guidance in the listings below.

worn: $10 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $100
well preserved: $350
sixpence dated 1728 with plumes or roses between shields are somewhat more valuable than the figures shown above

worn: $15 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $450
well preserved: $850
shillings dated 1723 through 1726 with interlocked Cs between shields are much more valuable, multiply these values by four
some shillings dated 1726 and 1727 with roses and plumes between shields are more valuable, multiply these values by three

worn: $100 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $250
well preserved: $1000
half crowns dated 1750 and 1751 are more valuable, multiply these values by two

worn: $200 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $1000
well preserved: $3500

Remember these are catalog values and they must be properly interpreted to estimate actual buy and sell values. See our Important Terminology page. If you have a nice-looking example, contact a knowledgeable collector or professional coin dealer for and in-person inspection.

Coin: 21232, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201605, Last review: 201605
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1727, filter: 1727 to 1758
Image: great_britain_shilling_1758.jpg

Tags: escutcheon tiera shiled georg shillings 4th british halves crests quattro fourpence geogivs crest tiarra insignia centered brittish chevrons shilling tiara georgeivs cruciform halfe arm crown georgivis crossing certer georgius shields georgivs england centers sixpence brittain quater scilling coats centre brittan crowning quarto geor george threepence britt pence crowns maltese brit geroges chevron quartos english georgiv coat britan crosses geogius logo britian crowned off arms giorgi offcenter half britain georgious creast quarts georgvs crossed georgian twopence sheild bust georgevs maltise emblams georgium criss quarter 11th crested quarters schillings cross quatre emblem georgvis shield center escucheon great offset shild emblems emblim

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