Ancient Rome Nero Antioch Syria Semis S C in Wreath 54AD to 68AD

Ancient Rome Nero Antioch Syria Semis S C in Wreath 54AD to 68AD

These base metal semis come from Antioch in Syria with a portrait of Nero on the front and S C enclosed by a laurel wreath on the back. Typically the diameter is about 20 mm and the weight about 7.5 grams.

As requester Classified points out, most of these coins are the 'head right' variety, but there are a few 'head left' coins. In our professional database, a search for 'nero antioch semis' produces a total of 35 hits, with only 2 of the 'head left' variety. The coin in our main picture (upper left) sold for 130 British pounds (about $170 US dollars) during a 2014 auction by Roma Numismatics in London. CoinQuest thanks Roma for use of their coin photo.

Values for the rare variety are higher than the common variety. Very approximately:

worn: $50 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $100
well preserved: $220

worn: $70 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $160
well preserved: $320

As with all ancient coins, the prices above are extremely approximate. Each coin stands on its own merits. Coins with full strike, intact legends, and good eye appeal are the most valuable.

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Ancient Rome Nero Antioch Syria Semis S C in Wreath 54AD to 68AD
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Coin: 21451, Genre: Ancient, Timeline: Ancient
Created (yyyymm): 201607, Last review: 201607
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 54, filter: 54 to 68
Image: rome_nero_antioch.jpg

Tags: headed scripts garland letter reif weights monograms emperer nero imperator emperado imperatore emperador type emporer lettering initials weigh romanorum emperor reef black wreah mintmarks syrie empress roma caligraphy inscription imper romen wreath fine heads emperio oneheaded mintmark emperator monogram rome weight mintmaster head roman 7th wreathed emperur emp initals syrian letters wreth empereur patina bust antioch romana impc nerone rief impz one imperaior fino emperuer romanorvm ones mint imperat scrip inscriptions weighs imp semis wreaths wreathe empreradur syria wreat types lettered weighed script ancient blackish calligraphy initial

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