Austria 100 Schilling 1935 to 1938

Austria 100 Schilling 1935 to 1938

These are beautiful gold coins from Austria with 0.6807 troy ounces of gold. The catalog says that all coins minted were proof coins, made expressly for collectors. Usually proofs are found in protective holders with zero damage. Should they be removed, any subsequent damage lowers value.

First, find the base value (BV) of the coin, that is, the value due to gold content alone. If gold were selling at $1500 US dollars per troy ounce (look it up, it changes every day, on web sites such as kitco), the BV is then 0.6807 x 1500 = $1020. Find BV by multiplying the current price of gold by 0.6807.

Coins dated 1936 and 1937 are valued somewhat above BV, and the other dates are more rare and therefore more valuable:

100 SCHILLING DATED 1936 AND 1938:
damaged proof: BV + $100
proof: BV + $800

damaged proof: BV + $1000
proof: BV + $4000

damaged proof: $20000
proof: $25000

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Austria 100 Schilling 1935 to 1938
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Coin: 21479, Genre: Central Europe North South, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201607, Last review: 201607
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic yellow Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1935, filter: 1935 to 1938
Image: austria_100_schilling_1935.jpg

Tags: madonna headed oesterreich avstri maddona eagles eaglets austriae schiller aust doubling egals mary austro 100 avst aus holy schilling heads avstr oneheaded austrie avstriae austrian 100th head schill austr austria maddonna double doubled austriacum eagel doubles eagle egal oesterreichische mariazell

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