Medieval Poland (and Lithuania) Sigismund Thaler (Counterfeit) 1533

Medieval Poland (and Lithuania) Sigismund Thaler (Counterfeit) 1533

This is a modern-day reproduction of an old thaler of Sigismund I, dated 1533. It is made out of brass and apparently plated with sterling silver. The annotation Ag 925 means sterling silver: 'Ag' is the chemical symbol of silver, and '925' means 92.5% silver, which is the purity of sterling.

These modern-day coins sell for a few dollars, usually less than $5 US dollars each.

There are earlier, nineteenth century, replicas which are valuable. The picture below is one from a Polish auction that sold for $1250 US dollars. Note that the Ag 925 annotation does not appear.

The bust of Sigismund I bonnet and crown appears to the right, and in the rim escutcheons Polish, Lithuanian, Prussia, Red Russia and Austria are represented. The inscription reads SIGISM P REX PO Loni M & D LITHV 1533. On the reverse, the bust of young Sigismund II Augustus appears in a headband and crown. Inscription reads SIG AVG SECVND FILIVS REX PO - Lonc & C.

Coin: 21612, Genre: Central Europe North South, Timeline: Early/Medieval
Created (yyyymm): 201701, Last review: 201701
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1533, filter: 1533 to 1533
Image: poland_sigismund_thaler_1533.jpg

Tags: escutcheon encircled tiera hat shiled ilika sigismundii circal fake sigisirex rings crests forges polskie helmets eagles crest poland tiarra eaglets insignia chevrons forge headband fez hooded tiara thalel snakes sigis iiika tigers lion forgery circling arm crown falcon encircles bonnet circel encircle shields egals ringed circumference encircling medieval lithuania tiger sigismvnd coats helmet ring serpent crowning polushka sigismvndi fakes lions replicas forger thalers counterfeit hood circles loop repro circumscribed talar crowns circumscibed headdress circuit chevron midieval coat replica logo crowned polskich polski hawk arms circlet asp circle noay liika helmit creast counterfiet counterfet talara cougar thaler sheild poltina reproduction caps loops lithu cap sigism circular incircled sigismundi crested eagel iioay polish snake circled vereinsthaler helmeted counterfeits eagle polska egal shield escucheon shild asps joachimstaler taler reproductions sigismund

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