Ancient Rome Mark Anthony Denarius with Galley (Fakes are possible) 32BC and 31BC

Ancient Rome Mark Anthony Denarius with Galley (Fakes are possible) 32BC and 31BC

There were about 50 legions of about 5000 soldiers each in the Roman Army at the time of Mark Anthony (or, more correctly, Mark Antony), and he had control over 24 of them.

Silver denarii were issued for each legion, and it is a worthwhile collecting challenge to assemble a complete set. For lots of information on these fascinating pieces, see Forum Ancient Coins.

The example in our main picture at the upper left is extraordinary. It comes from Stack's Bowers where it sold for a hefty $900 US dollars during a 2011 auction.

Most coins do not come close to looking like Stack's Bower's coin. The denarius to the right is an $80 coin.

Roughly, then,

worn: $50 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $120
well preserved: $500

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Ancient Rome Mark Anthony Denarius with Galley (Fakes are possible) 32BC and 31BC
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Coin: 21625, Genre: Ancient, Timeline: Ancient
Created (yyyymm): 201704, Last review: 201704
Appearance: Unusual or irregular shape Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: -32, filter: -32 to -31
Image: rome_mark_anthony_denarius.jpg

Tags: marc scripts letter fake sammelmarke denar monograms marke forges iii reichsmark marck eagles eaglets forge lettering initials denarius romanorum boats forgery xiii flagship falcon egals outriggers reicshmark sailingship fakes kohlenmarke replicas forger roma sail counterfeit caligraphy markas inscription romen repro denario galley ship cutter sailboat deuchmark replica monogram clipper rome hawk sammel oars antonio roman masted warship counterfiet initals boat letters counterfet denari dreimark reproduction romana mark steamboat dutchemark ships marks oar saling sails eagel romanorvm vessel scrip inscriptions reichmark deutschemark counterfeits eagle satzmarke outrigger lettered egal anthony script ancient sailing calligraphy reproductions initial

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