Ancient Rome (Judaea) Prutah Porcius Festus 59AD to 62AD

Ancient Rome (Judaea) Prutah Porcius Festus 59AD to 62AD

Porcius Festus was a procurator of Rome under emperor Nero. He is well known as the 'Festus' of Acts 25:12 in the Bible.

This is one of his coins, a prutah (or prutoh) made of base metal. The inscriptions read KAIC APOC LE on one side and NEP WNO C on the other. The plant is a palm branch.

These coins are sought by numismatists (coin collectors), and especially by people interested in biblical numismatics. Typical catalog values run like this:

worn: $50 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $100
well preserved: $150

The example in our picture is especially desirable because there is little wear and all the inscriptions are easily seen. It was sold by Ira & Larry Goldberg for $140 US dollars during a 2001 auction. CoinQuest thanks the Goldbergs for use of their coin photo.

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Ancient Rome (Judaea) Prutah Porcius Festus 59AD to 62AD
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Coin: 21652, Genre: Ancient, Timeline: Ancient
Created (yyyymm): 201708, Last review: 201708
Appearance: Unusual or irregular shape Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 59, filter: 59 to 62
Image: rome_judaea_porcius_festus.jpg

Tags: grain palmetto judaea palmtree headed scripts trees letter cupro bronzes fron monograms limb kaica branch oak porcius copper bronze sticks lettering initials brass romanorum tree coppery wheat kaicap ivdaea wheats spray wheatie frond elm stalks roma caligraphy inscription jvdicia kaic romen twigs fronds heads oneheaded pine festus twig sprigs monogram rome head roman sprays coppers sprig branched grains pruta branches initals palms letters palm ivdea stick romana stalk kaicapoc branching romanorvm prutah scrip inscriptions judea lettered script ancient calligraphy initial

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