Canada Commemorative Dollar 1958

Canada Commemorative Dollar 1958

At the time of this writing, silver is selling at about $17 US dollars per troy ounce. These modern commemorative coins, which contain 0.6 ounces of silver ($10 worth) run around $5 to $15 US dollars, depending on condition and whether you are the buyer or the seller.

Base value (BV): 0.6 x 17 = $10 US dollars
A dealer would pay BV - $5
A collector would pay BV + $5

In practice, neither of these two limits would generally be hit, but they give you a general idea of value. If the coin is in absolutely superb condition, the collector appeal could send this coin into the BV + $15 range. Look up the current value of silver at It changes every day, and so does the BV of this coin.

Our picture shows a rainbow toned coin. Some collectors pay a premium for rainbow toning. Others (the purists) shun any kind of toning and think it detracts from a coin's value.

For more Canadian silver dollars, click here.

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Canada Commemorative Dollar 1958
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Coin: 2392, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 200911, Last review: 201506
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1958, filter: 1958 to 1958
Image: canada_dollar_commemorative_1958.jpg

Tags: colombian commemorative regina scripts god letter deum diety monograms british colombia lizabeth goddess reginaf brittish lettering elizebeth dei colo initials poles comemorate hei divine doller reginam heitiki england commemoratives grattia brittain brittan regini elizibeth gods elisabeth totem columbia caligraphy inscription colommbia canadienne britt colombo canada queen dom elizabet brit commemorates idol queens english deo britan shaft pole elizabeth britian commemorating monogram canadian deus dollare commemorate coloumbia elisabet deity gratia britain elizabith commemerate commemerative initals letters kingdom dollars canad statue canadaian commemoration dollar regal kingdoms commerative dol devm scrip inscriptions dios godess tiki lettered dolls script candian calligraphy initial

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