Denmark 10 and 25 Ore 1924 to 1945

Denmark 10 and 25 Ore 1924 to 1945

You've got a 10 ore coin, Tanya, and my picture is of a 25 ore. Both look almost identical except, of course, for the big '10' or big '25' on the reverse side. The hole in the middle makes them hard to miss.

These coins were made of copper nickel until 1941. Then there were several years of zinc minting. Copper nickel returned in 1946. In general, the zinc coins are worth about one-half as much as the copper nickel coins.

Here is what coin catalogs say about Denmark 10 and 25 ore coins from this era:

10 ORE:
worn: $1 US dollar approximate catalog vaule
average circulated: $3
well preserved: $12
fully uncirculated: $25

25 ORE:
worn: $2 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $5
well preserved: $25
fully uncirculated: $50

Be sure you understand what catalog value means by looking it up on our Important Terminology page.

The figures above apply to most dates. There are some special dates which are worth more. The list below gives catalog values of the special dates in average circulated condition:

10 ORE:
1933: $10 (your coin, Tanya!)
1945: $40 (zinc)
1947: $150 (copper nickel)

25 ORE:
1933: $50
1935: $25
1939: $25
1940: $2 (these are very common and worth only a little)
1946: same as 1940

Coin: 2628, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201000, Last review: 201507
Appearance: Round hole at center Metallic brown Metallic gray Dark metallic Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1924, filter: 1924 to 1945
Image: denmark_25_ore_1924.jpg

Tags: encircled tiera slicing scripts curvy letter circal swirls rings monograms curves scribble twice tiarra centered lettering denmark initials tiara heart circling curl danske crown encircles hearts certer circel encircle swirl lining ringed hole centers twirly circumference bowed encircling slash curly centre ring spirals crowning curlicues lined lines curved danish caligraphy inscription 10th two circles loop bar circumscribed swirly curving crowns circumscibed dankse circuit danmarks crowned monogram off squiggley slice circlet crossbar curve circle curlycue offcenter bars squiggles slanted initals letters holes sqiggles dansk loops swoosh 25th line curls circular incircled ore squigle heartshape squiggly outlined scrip inscriptions circled outline scribbles slant holed lettered center spiral danmark offset script outlining squiggle calligraphy initial

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