US Commemorative Half: Stone Mountain 1925

US Commemorative Half: Stone Mountain 1925

What a great coin. Maybe it is because I am from the South, but I just like the design of this piece. Back in 1925 they had a better handle on what makes an appealing coin. This is just my opinion, of course!

That is none other than Stonewall Jackson and Robert E Lee on horseback, and the funds from the sale of these coins were used to carve their images into Stone Mountain, Georgia.

A well worn coin catalogs for $25 US dollars. In average circulated condition, like the coin in the picture, figure catalog around $50. In fully uncirculated condition these coins go for about $150.

Use our Important Terminology page to understand what 'catalog value' means.

Isn't the coin in the picture absolutely gorgeous? It shows that even a worn coin can pack plenty of pzazz and eye appeal.

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US Commemorative Half: Stone Mountain 1925
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Coin: 2678, Genre: United States, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201000, Last review: 201507
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1925, filter: 1925 to 1925
Image: us_commem_stone_mountain.jpg

Tags: commemorative scripts mountains soldier god letter peoples urum deum trust diety galloping monograms halves americas twice eagles stand goddess hills eaglets lettering untied dei 2nd initials america sud comemorate stallion mounted ameria halfe south falcon people divine horseman southern volcanos doller riding egals stands commemoratives reins american plurabus rein eruption united soldjer pluribus moutains wing gods mountain valore vnvm caligraphy inscription peple memor rider stone two rocks prance equestres dom commemorates amer deo zuid equestrian memoriae commemorating unum monogram horse deus dollare hawk ride commemorate mountie deity half commemerate standing person commemerative initals letters volcanoes memorial rocke valor trvst prancing americans dollars horses epluribus commemoration mount dollar suid horsehead pony winged soldiers eagel commerative ziud dol devm volcano hill wings scrip inscriptions usa dios rock eagle horseback godess persons lettered egal americana dolls script amero soldiered calligraphy initial

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