Morocco Falus (AH1276) 1859 to 1873

Morocco Falus (AH1276) 1859 to 1873

The coin in our picture shows the general look of a Moroccan falus dated between 1276 and 1290. The pattern changes slightly depending on the particular denomination, as follows:

falus: about 20 mm diameter
2 falus: about 22 mm diameter
3 falus: about 28 mm diameter

All these coins bear roughly the same value, although the 1 and 2 falus coins are a little more rare than the 3 falus, so their value is a tad higher.

worn: $5 US dollars catalog value
average circulated (like our picture): $15
well preserved: $50

These are catalog values which must be interpreted correctly. View our Important Terminology page to understand what 'catalog value' means.

The dates on Moroccan coins are Hejira (AH) dates based on the lunar year (354 days) and starting when Mohammed was alive (about 600 AD). The AH1276 to AH1290 dates correspond to 1859AD to 1873AD.

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Morocco Falus (AH1276) 1859 to 1873
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Coin: 2769, Genre: Islamic Hindu Buddhist, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201000, Last review: 201511
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Flowing style
Years: sort: 1859, filter: 1859 to 1873
Image: morocco_falus_1290.jpg

Tags: encircled slicing beading curvy period circal cupro round morocco bronzes swirls periods rings seal curves scribble moroccan copper bronze rounds brass coppery circling curl fulus stars encircles circel morrocco encircle swirl lining ringed twirly circumference bowed beaded encircling slash curly burst ring curlicues lined cherifie lines sealed curved falus point circles loop bar circumscribed swirly curving circumscibed dots circuit beads points squiggley slice circlet crossbar curve star circle curlycue starburst coppers bars squiggles slanted starrs maroc sqiggles loops swoosh bead line curls morroco circular incircled solomon squigle seals squiggly dot david cherifien outlined circled outline scribbles slant moroc dotted outlining squiggle

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