Italy 1 Lira, and 2 and 5 Lire (Fakes are possible) 1861 to 1878

Italy 1 Lira, and 2 and 5 Lire (Fakes are possible) 1861 to 1878

With lots of wear, John, your old 1 lira coin from Italy is not worth too much. The catalogs say a few US dollars. In well preserved condition the value rises. Here is a run-down of approximate catalog values for 1, 2, adn 5 lira coins, all of which look the same, but with different sizes and weights. Use our Important Terminology link to understand what 'catalog value' means.

1 LIRA, 22 mm diameter, 0.13 troy ounces silver content
worn: $3 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circuated: $10
well preserved: $30
fully uncirculated: $140
coins with dates and mint marks 1862T, 1862N, and 1867T are rare and catalog over $280 in well preserved condition

2 LIRE, 27 mm diameter, 0.29 troy ounces silver content
worn: $8 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circuated: $25
well preserved: $100
fully uncirculated: $280
coins dated 1862 with and N mint mark are rare and catalog over $1000 in well preserved condition

5 LIRE, 37 mm diameter, 0.72 troy ounces silver content
worn: $15 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circuated: $35
well preserved: $120
fully uncirculated: $400
coins with dates and mint marks 1861T, 1866N, 1872R, and 1873R are rare and catalog over $1000 in well preserved condition

The mint mark, M in our picture, appears to the left of the 1 lira designation. Fakes are possible.


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Italy 1 Lira, and 2 and 5 Lire (Fakes are possible) 1861 to 1878
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Coin: 3031, Genre: Central Europe North South, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201001, Last review: 201507
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1861, filter: 1861 to 1878
Image: italy_1_lira_1867.jpg

Tags: escutcheon stemming fern tiera lire bloomed marc shiled scripts letter fake sammelmarke stem leis lilly monograms italians crests fleur marke liafy forges 5th flour leaves italiana outteredge reichsmark marck leaf crest tiarra blossom reign lis rim vittorio flur insignia chevrons forge lettering bouquet 2nd italiane petels initials tiara cruciform italian forgery flowers petal orchid stars arm crown regne edging petals crossing emanuele leave shields edged leaved leafs edges italia reicshmark fler regnat flower coats emanvel mintmarks emanuel vittori crowning lyre fakes regno kohlenmarke leafe regnum replicas forger trefoil counterfeit caligraphy markas leafy inscription vitorio repro vitt crowns regn maltese chevron bough coat mintmark deuchmark replica crosses leafed lises logo lily crowned monogram leavs bud foliage sammel arms mintmaster star emmanuele pedals trefoils lilys ferns creast counterfiet initals starrs letters itali counterfet floer fluer crossed 1st sheild regnal dreimark fleures reproduction ditalia regni boughs lei mark floral italy dutchemark maltise vitturio dogwood criss marks ivy crested emanvele lisse stems mint cross scrip inscriptions reichmark deutschemark greenery counterfeits satzmarke flowery lettered bush shield lira escucheon fleurs edge script orcid shild reyna calligraphy reproductions initial

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