China Yuan Shih-Kai (Counterfeit)

China Yuan Shih-Kai (Counterfeit)

Vel sent us a photo of this unusual piece. The dragon usually means Chinese origin, but not always. We have been unable to identify it in any of our coin catalogs.

But then we called in the Big Guns over at World Internet Numismatic Society (WINS). These guys are all super-smart numismatists and can probably identify the piece. Here is what Oded says:

Republic of China, 'Yuan Shih-Kai as Hung Hasien Series.' Obverse: Bust of Hung Hsien in Ceremonial Robe, facing slightly left. Reverse: Dragon

and Tian replies:

This is a modern forgery, this seems to be the better ones, meaning less crude. The genuine ones are rare and usually don't turn up in grades like this.

Our answer to Vel: Sorry, your coin is counterfeit. It is worth zero.

By the way, both novice and seasoned collectors are welcomed to join WINS. I recommend it!

Coin: 3176, Genre: The Sinosphere, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201001, Last review: 201607
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Chinese style
Years: sort: 1990, filter: 1948 to 2050
Image: china_mystery.jpg

Tags: kai hat scripts letter fake monograms forges helmets chinese forge headband lettering fez hooded initials forgery bonnet china helmet fakes replicas chineese chine forger counterfeit caligraphy inscription hood repro headdress replica shih monogram taiwan yuan dragons helmit counterfiet initals letters counterfet reproduction caps cap chian scrip inscriptions dragon helmeted counterfeits lettered script calligraphy reproductions initial

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