Canada Shell Gasoline 1968 to 1978

Medal Canada Shell Gasoline 1968 to 1978

Hello, Nathan -- 1867 was the year the Canadian provinces confederated into modern Canada. I believe you have a medallion given away by the Shell Gasoline company during the 1970s. These are intriguing pieces, and many still survive today. Value is a few US dollars if in decent shape. Since you denote 'attractive' eye appeal, a collector might pay $5 to $10 for you specimen. Worn or damaged specimens would be worth much less.

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Canada Shell Gasoline 1968 to 1978
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Coin: 3536, Genre: Medals, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201002, Last review: 201606
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1968, filter: 1968 to 1978
Image: canada_medal_shell_gas.jpg

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