US Lincoln Kennedy Penny 1959 to 1980

US Lincoln Kennedy Penny 1959 to 1980

It turns out an eager entrepreneur discovered several compelling similarities between presidents John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln. Both were assassinated, for instance. In the 1970s the entrepreneur stamped regular one cent coins with a crude image of JFK and sold them, usually with an 'official commemorative' card, for a few dollars each. If you look on eBay, you can still find these traded for $3 to $10 UA dollars, depending on condition of the coin and the card. The penny itself, of course, is worth one penny. The card might become a real collector's item.

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US Lincoln Kennedy Penny 1959 to 1980
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Coin: 3680, Genre: United States, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201003, Last review: 202311
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1959, filter: 1959 to 1980
Image: us_lincoln_kennedy_penny.jpg

Tags: grain headed stamp libertatis liberta countermark libera americas twice counterstamp pennys punch stamped cent untied peny libertas hashmarked gouges jfk america ameria wheat libertad hashmark wheats wheatie american liberte gouge cents united penny kennedy punched lincoln two chop heads oneheaded amer countermarked liberdad libertao counterstamped kenedy head liberty counterstamps grains chops americans pennies liberate one liber ones usa libertate americana stamps amero punches

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