US Oregon Exchange Company 1849

US Oregon Exchange Company 1849

Genuine gold coins from the Oregon Exchange Company are basically priceless for most of us normal folks. The catalogs report $30,000 to $300,000. If you have a genuine piece, it is certainly a magnificent treasure. Almost 100 percent of the pieces you find are replicas, worth zero.


The catalog values above come from The Red Book, 'A Guide Book of United States Coins' by R. S. Yeoman. The only decent pictures of a genuine coin (that I can find) are from the Smithsonian, found on Flickr at this link, and at this one for the other side. Acknowledging the Smithsonian as the source, we have small versions of those images here:


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US Oregon Exchange Company 1849
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Coin: 3753, Genre: United States, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201003, Last review: 201607
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic yellow Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1849, filter: 1849 to 1849
Image: us_oregon_exchange.jpg

Tags: goldenen tend oregon gold log 10th golden gildt exchange beaver goldish company native natives 20th kmtrcs

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