Germany Wurttemberg 10 and 20 Mark (Fakes are possible) 1893 to 1914

Germany Wurttemberg 10 and 20 Mark (Fakes are possible) 1893 to 1914

Nice coin, Sherri -- You have a 20 mark gold piece from the old German State of Wurttemberg (sometimes spelled Wuerttemberg). The 10 mark pieces are the same as yours, only smaller. Here are the stats:

10 mark: 18 mm diameter, 0.115 troy ounces gold
20 mark: 22 mm diameter, 0.230 troy ounces gold

Evaluating coins like yours happens in two steps. First, you must compute the basic melt value of your coin. It is as if you took a blowtorch to the coin, melted it into a puddle of gold, and sold the puddle. (What a horrible thought to any seasoned coin collector!)

To find the melt value, go to a precious metal web site like and find the current price of gold. Then multiply that price by the number of troy ounces in the coin. For example, suppose gold were selling at $1100 US dollars per ounce. The melt value of Sherri's 20 mark coin would be 0.230 x 1100 = $253 US dollars.

Now you must add the collector value, also known as the numismatic value, to the melt value. This gets tricky. If your coin is fully worn, stained, spotted, bent, or otherwise damaged, there is no collector value and the actual value is equal to the melt value. If your coin is fully uncirculated, bright, lustrous, and free of all cleanings and other damage, add collector values as follows:

10 mark: add $200
20 mark: add $250


Still, we are not quite done. There are certain dates which are worth even more than the numbers shown above. Sherri's coin, dated 1897, does not qualify for lofty *good date* status, but the following coins are very scarce and qualify for large collector premiums:

10 mark 1902, 1911, 1912, 1913: add another $60
20 mark 1913, 1914: add another $2000

Yes, 1913 and 1914 20 mark coins are worth a bundle of money. As always, you must be on the lookout for counterfeits of valuable coins. The image below shows a side-by-side comparison of a genuine 1913 coin and a counterfeit. The primary difference between the two is the overall mushiness of the fake's pattern. There are also several differences and imperfections on the fake. A genuine 20 mark weighs 7.97 grams.


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Germany Wurttemberg 10 and 20 Mark (Fakes are possible) 1893 to 1914
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Coin: 3923, Genre: Central Europe North South, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201004, Last review: 201507
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic yellow Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1893, filter: 1893 to 1914
Image: german_states_wurttemberg_10_mark_1907.jpg

Tags: deutiches marc willhelm wilhelm bundes devtsch koningryk fake sammelmarke koenigreigh wihelm deustch konigreich marke deutsche forges wuerttemberg deutchen germanic reichsmark wuttemberg marck eagles kongung konigin deutscherlander eaglets rttemberg forge koningrik german koeing koen deutsch forgery deutchlands falcon germany deutschen konig deutscher wilhelms egals koninkrijk reicshmark kongeriget bundesrepublic deutschland koeni wurttemberg wurtemberg fakes kongeriket wurttb kohlenmarke replicas forger koningrijk kongerike von counterfeit markas deut 10th reich repro koenig koin devtscher deuches deuchmark deutchland replica bundsrepublik deutsches koning koenigin koenigreich hawk wurtt sammel konge deutches bundesrublika koningsryk bundesrepublik counterfiet counterfet dutchland deutshen reiches koningrujk dreimark reproduction mark dutchemark bund deutschlands marks konigr 20th eagel reichs koningin wilh wurtemb reichmark deutschemark counterfeits eagle satzmarke bundersrepublik riechs kong konung reick egal wurttenberg bundesrepublika wurttemburg koninklike reproductions whilhelm

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