Italy 5 Lire 1951 to 2001

Italy 5 Lire 1951 to 2001

Hi dhtaz -- I believe that is a tiller (rudder) from an old sailing ship. It goes along with the dolphin or whale theme.

These coins are very modern and are not worth very much. The catalogs list all dates after 1966 at less than one US dollar even in uncirculated condition.

One date sticks out, the year 1956, since only four hundred thousand were made this year. Most other years see a mintage of many millions, some over a hundred million.

1956 worn: $20 US dollars catalog value
1956 average circulated: $100
1956 well preserved: $400
1956 fully uncirculated: $1200

A few of the earlier dates have some collectible value when in absolutely, fully uncirculated condition.

Dates 1951, 1952 and 1966:
worn: less than $1
average circulated: less than $1
well preserved: $1
fully uncirculated: $6

Refer to our 'Important Terminology' page on the top left in order to properly interpret these catalog values.
Coins that are cleaned, damaged or have other problems will be worth much less than the values cited on this page.

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Italy 5 Lire 1951 to 2001
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Coin: 4013, Genre: Central Europe North South, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201004, Last review: 201507
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1951, filter: 1951 to 2001
Image: italy_5_lire_1969.jpg

Tags: lire republicas marc whales reipvblicae sammelmarke dolphins chalice italians marke dolfin 5th republique italiana outteredge reichsmark marck repvbliqve seltzer rim repbulique repvblique pots italiane tiller amphora italian dolphin glas edging bottle republika edged goblet republiek edges italia reicshmark mintmarks lyre kohlenmarke markas republiove jar urn republik mintmark deuchmark vase repub pot sammel mintmaster challace chalace repvblica itali dreimark republicans ditalia mark italy dutchemark republicia marks kettle repvbblica jug republican mint glass whale rebublique reichmark deutschemark bowl satzmarke rudder cup lira republ edge republica republic

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