Great Britain 6 Pence 1831 to 1837

Great Britain 6 Pence 1831 to 1837

Yo, Alex -- The wear on your old British 6 pence will work against value. These coins are worth very little in worn condition, but rise quickly as condition improves. The coin in our picture is slightly better than average circulated. Here are the stats:

worn: $15 US dollars catalog value
average circulated: $45
well preserved: $240
fully uncirculated: $550
sixpence dated 1836 are less common and catalog at $75 average circulated, $900 fully uncirculated
sixpence dated 1837 are scarce and catalog at $120 average circulated, $1125 fully uncirculated

These are catalog values and must be interpreted correctly. Use our Terminology to interpret them.


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Great Britain 6 Pence 1831 to 1837
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Coin: 4516, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201005, Last review: 201610
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1831, filter: 1831 to 1837
Image: great_britain_6_pence_1834.jpg

Tags: fern tiera headed garland reif ribbons british liafy sextvx fourpence leaves gvlielmvs leaf sixty tiarra britanniar willaim brittish britainniar sextvs tiara crown william reef leave england sextus leaved leafs wreah sixpence guilelmus brittain kings brittan crowning royale leafe king leafy 6th threepence wreath britt heads pence crowns brit bough oneheaded six english britan leafed britian crowned leavs foliage head guliflmus wreathed ferns britain sash wreth sixth twopence gulilmus boughs rief guilemus guliemos ivy willem gulielmus royal sixtus royalty willam greenery wreaths wreathe wreat bush ribon great ribbon

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