Luxembourg 2 1/2, 5, and 10 Centimes 1854 to 1908

Luxembourg 2 1/2, 5, and 10 Centimes 1854 to 1908

Cool coin from Luxembourg, Travis. The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is located between Belgium, Germany, and France. They issued bronze coins in 2 1/2, 5, and 10 centimes denominations on and off between 1854 and 1908. None of these old beauties are particularly valuable, but they make great additions to a collection of world coins. Here are typical catalog values that apply to all the dates in these series, except as noted:

worn: $2 US dollars catalog value
average circulated: $6
well preserved: $20
fully uncirculated: $50

worn: $4 US dollars catalog value
average circulated: $8
well preserved: $25
fully uncirculated: $65
the 1860 date is slighlty more valuable than other dates

worn: $2 US dollars catalog value
average circulated: $6
well preserved: $20
fully uncirculated: $50

Use our Terminology page to convert these inflated catalog values to actual values.

Coin: 4566, Genre: Central Europe North South, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201005, Last review: 201507
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1854, filter: 1854 to 1908
Image: luxembourg_5_centimes_1860.jpg

Tags: escutcheon encircled shiled cmes scrolwork garland reif circal cupro bronzes rings crests 5th crest copper bronze insignia chevrons 2nd filigree brass coppery circling duchy centime arm reef ducchesse encircles scroll circel encircle shields wreah ringed luxemburg luxemb circumference encircling scrollwork luxemberg coats ring 10th wreath circles loop circumscribed circumscibed circuit chevron scrolls coat logo grande scolled luxembourg arms circlet circle coppers wreathed creast wreth 1st sheild duche loops rief circular incircled crested scrolled centimes circled wreaths wreathe grand wreat luxenberg shield escucheon lux shild luxenburg

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