Malaysia Straits Settlements 1/2 and 1 Cent (Fakes are possible) 1919 to 1932

Malaysia Straits Settlements 1/2 and 1 Cent (Fakes are possible) 1919 to 1932

Well that's cool. A square coin. Your coin is from the Straits Settlements, now known as West Malaysia, with its major city Singapore, on the Malay Peninsula of Asia. The name was changed to Malaya in 1939.

Great Britain issued coinage for the Straits starting in 1845 and continuing until 1935. The only square issues are the 1/2 and 1 cent coins of King George V bear inscriptions:

1/2 CENT: George V King Emperor
1 CENT: George V King and Emperor of India

Here is what the catalogs say about them:

1/2 CENT
worn: $5 US dollars catalog value
average circulated: $9
well preserved: $24
fully uncirculated: $40

worn: $2 US dollars catalog value
average circulated: $3
well preserved: $18
fully uncirculated: $56

All dates carry roughly the same value. Our figures above are inflated catalog values. You can learn how to convert from catalog values to actual values at our Terminology page.

There is an unusual counterfeit of coins like this. The date is off by more than 100 years, and the shape is wrong as well.

Coin: 4597, Genre: Islamic Hindu Buddhist, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201005, Last review: 201610
Appearance: Square or rectangular shape Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1919, filter: 1919 to 1932
Image: malaysia_straits_settlement_1_2_cent_1932.jpg

Tags: encircled marc georg circal fake sammelmarke rings emperer malaysian marke ind forges imperator reichsmark pennys geogivs emperado marck inde malaya imperatore emperador cent forge emporer peny 2nd georgeivs india straits emperor forgery circling georgivis encircles georgius circel encircle georgivs ringed squares reicshmark circumference encircling kings malay ring mintmarks boxes cents penny fakes kohlenmarke squarish settlements king replicas forger geor empress counterfeit markas imper george circles loop repro circumscribed circumscibed emperio geroges circuit box georgiv squared mintmark deuchmark replica boxed strait emperator settlement geogius square sammel mintmaster circlet circle giorgi emperur georgious malaysia counterfiet emp georgvs counterfet empereur georgian 1st dreimark reproduction impc georgevs loops mark pennies dutchemark impz imperaior georgium circular incircled marks emperuer mint imperat reichmark deutschemark circled imp counterfeits satzmarke empreradur georgvis reproductions

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