Mexico 5 Centavos 1905 to 1914

Mexico 5 Centavos 1905 to 1914

You are correct, Randy. 1905 is one of the *better dates* for Mexican 5 centavos that look like our picture.

The coin in our picture comes from top-rated eBay seller MrPotatoHeadd and, like many of Mr. PH's coins, is in beautiful numismatic (coin collector) condition. As a fully uncirculated coin dated 1905, this piece sells for several $100 US dollars. But, if it were worn, the value would go way down to about $10. So you see, condition makes all the difference in a 1905 5 centavos.

Here are typical catalog values for the *common date* 5 centavos:

worn: $1 US dollar catalog value
average circulated: $3
well preserved: $10
fully uncirculated: $85

The *better dates* appear in the list below. If your coin is not in this list, then it is a common date (use the list above for value).

In the list below, values are given for coins in well preserved condition.

1905: $30 well preserved
1907: $40
1909: $65
1912: $250
1913: $30

To convert these catalog values to actual buy and sell values, use the information from our Terminology page.

CoinQuest thanks mrpotatoheadd for use of their coin photo. It is a beauty!

Coin: 4666, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201005, Last review: 201507
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1905, filter: 1905 to 1914
Image: mexico_5_centavos_1905.jpg

Tags: encircled mexican circal estrados rings mexicano 5th centavo mexicanos eagles mexio eaglets estas snakes circling falcon encircles circel centaos encircle egals ringed circumference encircling mexicana ring serpent estado centanos circles loop circumscribed mex circumscibed circuit unitos hawk circlet asp circle undos mexico centavos loops circular incircled eagel snake circled estados eagle unidos egal asps

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