Cuba 50 Centavos 1953

Cuba 50 Centavos 1953

This coin contains 0.361 troy ounces of silver and that gives it a base value from precious metal content. To figure the base value, mulitply the current price of silver by 0.361. For instance, from, today's price is $18.50 US dollars per troy ounce. (Check the value. It changes continuously.) The base price is then BV = 0.361 x 18.50 = $6.60. If your coin is in excellent shape, with no problems, cleaning, scratches or stains, you can add the base price.

worn: BV
average circulated: BV
well preserved: BV + $3
fully uncirculated: BV + $10

Coin: 4667, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201005, Last review: 201507
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1953, filter: 1953 to 1953
Image: cuba_50_centavos_1953.jpg

Tags: para republicas libertatis josef scripts scrolwork reipvblicae letter liberta centenario monograms libera 5th centenary centavo republique repvbliqve forhead repbulique lettering repvblique libertas filigree initials centenaio stars libertad scroll centaos republika republiek josefa jozsef cuba liberte scrollwork joseph napa ioseph caligraphy republiove inscription centanos forehead republik scrolls 50th centenial con liberdad iosephvs monogram repub scolled libertao star liberty joe patrie patri repvblica initals centennium starrs letters patria centavos cuban republicans liberate todos pare republicia liber repvbblica scrolled republican rebublique scrip inscriptions centennial patrye marti libertate lettered centenaro republ script jose ios republica calligraphy initial republic

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