France 1, 2, and 5 Francs 1861 to 1870

France 1, 2, and 5 Francs 1861 to 1870

Napoleon's 1, 2, and 5 franc silver coins all have the same pattern shown here, but the size, of course, is different from denomination to denomination. In general these are valuable coins, with catalog values as follows:

1 FRANC, 22 mm diameter, 0.134 troy ounces silver
worn: $10 US dollars catalog value
average circulated: $20
well preserved: $45
fully uncirculated: $150

2 FRANCS, 26 mm diameter, 0.268 troy ounces silver
worn: $15 US dollars catalog value
average circulated: $40
well preserved: $120
fully uncirculated: $280

5 FRANCS, 37 mm diameter, 0.723 troy ounces silver
worn: $15 US dollars catalog value
average circulated: $35
well preserved: $140
fully uncirculated: $380

Be sure you understand what 'catalog value' means. Use our Important Terminology page. Note that the coin in our picture has weak deformations in the metal near the rim. This lowers value.


Beware also that this coin is heavily counterfeited. Sad to say, counterfeiting rare coins is a big business, and the crooks don't make copies of inexpensive coins. They focus on the valuable ones like this.

Not only that, Purple1's coin has been heavily polished, which lowers collector value to zero. The give-away is that Purple1 says the coin is 'worn' and looks 'shiney or polished.' With such damage the coin is worth only its weight in silver. Use to look up the current value of silver per troy ounce.

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France 1, 2, and 5 Francs 1861 to 1870
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Coin: 4754, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201006, Last review: 201510
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1861, filter: 1861 to 1870
Image: france_5_francs_1867.jpg

Tags: escutcheon encircled drape shiled scripts broadsword letter sworeds circal franciase saber napoleanic rings monograms emperer francais francaises crests iii 5th imperator france emperado eagles imperatore crest drapery emperador eaglets insignia sword chevrons emporer lettering 2nd initials francai gaul draped emperor circling fran gallic franks arm falcon ends encircles circel encircle shields egals curtains gall ringed circumference encircling drapes coats ring franciaise francaise empress caligraphy inscription imper curtain circles loop circumscribed barre circumscibed emperio circuit napoleone chevron impire gallen frank coat ending swords emperator fracaise gallens logo monogram empire hawk arms drapped circlet circle emperur francie creast yrs emp initals letters empereur 1st sheild fancs napoleon francs impc loops years napoleonic impz franc imperaior circular incircled french crested emperuer eagel year imperat napolean scrip inscriptions circled imp eagle end empreradur lettered egal swordlike shield escucheon script shild calligraphy initial

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