Great Britain 6 Pence 1911 to 1927

Great Britain 6 Pence 1911 to 1927

This series of six pence is old enough to pick up a little collector value, especially in well preserved condition. Heavily worn coins are worth essentially zero. The silver purity was 92.5% (sterling silver) until 1920, after which it dropped to 50%. Here are approximate catalog values:

1911 TO 1920
worn: $2 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $10
well preserved: $25
fully uncirculated: $75
coins dated 1917 are less common, multiply the above values by 2

1921 TO 1925
worn: $1
average circulated: $6
well preserved: $20
fully uncirculated: $55

1926 AND 1927
worn: $1
average circulated: $4
well preserved (like our picture): $16
fully uncirculated: $40

These are catalog values. Use our Terminology page to convert these values to actual buy and sell values.

Coin: 4813, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201006, Last review: 201601
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1911, filter: 1911 to 1927
Image: great_britain_6_pence_1913.jpg

Tags: tiera georg bearded rex emperer british wiskers ind whisker fourpence imperator geogivs emperado inde imperatore tiarra emperador brittish emporer tiara goty georgeivs tigers lion india emperor sideburns mustache crown georgivis beard georgius georgivs england sideburn sixpence rexf brittain tiger omn brittan beareded crowning lions geor empress imper rexx 6th george threepence moustache britt pence rexm crowns emperio brit geroges english georgiv britan emperator geogius mushtash britian crowned giorgi emperur britain beared georgious emp georgvs empereur cougar georgian twopence impc georgevs impz imperaior georgium rexano emperuer imperat tee imp goatee empreradur georgvis gotee great whiskers

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