El Salvador 1 Centavo 1892 and 1893

El Salvador 1 Centavo 1892 and 1893

Sounds like you have an intriguing specimen, Tina. Most of these old coins from El Salvador are pretty well beat up. If you have an uncirculated specimen, or one which is nearly uncirculated, you have a valuable coin.


Here is what the catalogs say about your coin:

worn: $50
average circulated: $120
well preserved: $180
fully uncirculated: $400

Be sure you understand that these are catalog values, and actual values vary substantially. You can see an explanation about catalog values at our Terminology page.

Coins dated 1893 are more rare than coins dated 1892. Double the values if you have an 1893.

Coin: 5111, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201007, Last review: 201507
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1892, filter: 1892 to 1893
Image: el_salvador_1_centavo_1892.jpg

Tags: fern encircled republicas hat scripts central reipvblicae beading period garland letter reif circal fake ribbons periods rings monograms british liafy forges leaves centavo republique helmets americas una leaf repvbliqve type brittish forge headband repbulique lettering viewing repvblique fez hooded initials america forgery circling salvador ameria reef encircles bonnet leave circel centaos encircle republika england leaved leafs del republiek wreah ringed american circumference beaded brittain encircling brittan helmet ring bow fakes leafe replicas forger counterfeit caligraphy viewed point republiove leafy worlds inscription fathers centanos vna hood wreath circles loop repro view circumscribed britt circumscibed dots brit headdress republik circuit bough amer english uno beads britan replica leafed britian monogram repub leavs points foliage circlet value circle father wreathed ferns britain sash helmit counterfiet repvblica initals salvadore letters wreth counterfet 1st centavos pearl republicans reproduction americans caps boughs loops rief bead cap pearls one emblams republicia circular incircled ivy centrale repvbblica republican ones dot rebublique scrip inscriptions circled usa greenery helmeted counterfeits wreaths wreathe emblem wreat types lettered world bush americana ribon republ dotted script republica amero calligraphy reproductions initial republic emblems emblim ribbon

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