Egypt 1, 5, and 10 Millieme 1954 to 1958

Egypt 1, 5, and 10 Millieme 1954 to 1958

You are right, sir or madam, the modern date on this coin makes if to low value. But the Egyptian Republic lasted only from 1953 to 1958, being replaced with a United Arab Republic and a new set of coinage. The 1953 to 1958 coins are somewhat rare and collectors seek them for their collections. This pushes prices up a little.

You can figure out the date using these eastern Arabic numerals. The coin in our picture is dated 1957, with a Hejira date (based on the life of Muhammed, who lived around 600 AD) is shown as 1376.

Some typical catalog values are shown below:

1 MILLIEME (aluminum-bronze, 16 mm diameter)
average circulated: $4 US dollars catalog value
well preserved: $8
fully uncirculated: $12

5 MILLIEME (aluminum-bronze, 19 mm diameter)
average circulated: $6 US dollars catalog value
well preserved: $14
fully uncirculated: $30

10 MILLIEME (aluminum-bronze, 21 mm diameter)
average circulated: $6 US dollars catalog value
well preserved: $10
fully uncirculated: $34

Use our Important Terminology page to covert these catalog values to actual values.

In addition to the sphynx, pyramids are another popular subject on Egyptian coins.

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Egypt 1, 5, and 10 Millieme 1954 to 1958
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Coin: 5539, Genre: Islamic Hindu Buddhist, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201008, Last review: 201602
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Metallic gray Metallic yellow Letters: Flowing style
Years: sort: 1954, filter: 1954 to 1958
Image: egypt_10_milliemes_1958.jpg

Tags: sphinx 5th egyptian millieme spinks milliemes egypt 10th meliems 1st spinx egyption

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