Great Britain Shilling 1893 to 1901

Great Britain Shilling 1893 to 1901

These coins contain 0.168 troy ounces of silver, so they can never be worth less than their silver content, even if they are damaged, scratched, stained, cleaned, nicked or have other numismatic problems. If, say, silver is trading at $15 US dollars per troy ounce (look it up at, the silver value would be 0.168 x 15 = $2.50.

For problem-free shillings, typical catalog values run like this (applies to all dates):

worn: $8
average circulated: $20
well preserved: $70
fully uncirculated: $180


Resist all temptation to clean your coin to make it look more shiny.

Coin: 554, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 200905, Last review: 201807
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1893, filter: 1893 to 1901
Image: great_britain_shilling_1900.jpg

Tags: escutcheon encircled circles loop regina circumscribed shiled britt queen dom shillings god circumscibed emperio brit circuit circal chevron deum queens diety english coat rings def emperer deo victoriya british britan crests ind emperator logo britian imperator deus fid arms emperado circlet inde imperatore deity crest circle goddess emperador emperur reginaf insignia britain brittish chevrons viktoria emporer shilling creast dei emp victoria kingdom empereur vicoria sheild india emperor impc circling loops honi arm impz one encircles divine regal imperaior circular circel incircled encircle shields victotia reginam england crested emperuer kingdoms victoriad ringed ones gra schillings devm circumference imperat brittain encircling circled imp scilling dios coats brittan ring godess regini empreradur three shield escucheon pense great gods empress shild victor imper

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