Algeria 5 and 10 Centimes Chamber of Commerce 1916 to 1921

Algeria 5 and 10 Centimes Chamber of Commerce 1916 to 1921

These coins were issued by the Chamber of Commerce in French Algeria during the time of the first World War. Algeria is the large country in Northern Africa, just across the Mediterranean Sea south of France. They have their own regular coinage, but this specimen is not regular coinage. It is, instead, 'La monnaie de necessite' or 'currency of need.'

In difficult times of war and economic downturn, the governments of many countries fall short in producing enough coinage to support commerce. What generally happens is that private mints step in and start producing coins. This happened in the United States, and produced 'Hard Times Tokens' between 1832 and 1844. In Germany, 'Notgeld' was the result (see our page on notgeld at this link).

Value-wise, these coin are not particularly valuable. They are generally minted of base metals like brass and aluminum, and are not produce with extremely high quality. Collectors don't demand them for their collections, because they are not real coins. A nice specimen may sell for $5 to $20 US dollars. Worn coins will be worth less.

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Algeria 5 and 10 Centimes Chamber of Commerce 1916 to 1921
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Coin: 5825, Genre: Islamic Hindu Buddhist, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201009, Last review: 202109
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic yellow Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1916, filter: 1916 to 1921
Image: algeria_10_centimes_1919.jpg

Tags: fern algeria palmetto palmtree cmes trees chamber garland reif chambre fron limb liafy branch alger 5th oak leaves leaf sticks kleingeld snakes notgeld tree geld centime reef leave spray leaved leafs rods wreah frond elm serpent wing leafe stalks commerce ersatz leafy 10th wreath twigs fronds rod bough pine twig sprigs leafed caddeus leavs foliage ersatzmark algerie asp staffs ersatzgeld sprays wreathed alcer ferns kleingeldersatz sprig branched branches palms wreth palm stick otgeld chammber boughs rief caducceus chambers ivy caduceus stalk winged ezsatzmerke branching staff ersatzmarke wings snake centimes greenery wreaths wreathe wreat bush chambres asps

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