Egypt 1/2, 1, 2, 2 1/2, 5, and 10 Milliemes King Fuad I 1924 to 1935

Egypt 1/2, 1, 2, 2 1/2, 5, and 10 Milliemes King Fuad I 1924 to 1935

King Fu'ad the first of Egypt reigned from 1922 to 1936AD on the Gregorian calendar, which is 1341 to 1355AH on the Hejira calendar. Both dates appear on the coin, but you need to understand eastern Arabic numerals to read them. See below.

These coins come in several small denominations, which are the subjects of this page, and in larger denominations not addressed here. The King's likeness appears on all these coins, sometimes facing left, sometimes facing right. The 2 1/2 millieme denomination is octagonal.

You can read the denomination (1/2, 1, 2, 2 1/2, 5, and 10 milliemes) on the side without the portrait using the same eastern Arabic numerals used for the date. Only the small 1/2 and 1 milliemes are minted in bronze. The remaining denominations are minted in copper nickel.

Value-wise, none of these coins carry strong value unelss they are in excellent collector condition. Worn and average circulated coins catalog under $10 US dollars. Well preserved specimens, with little or no wear, can bring somewhat more. Here are some typical catalog values for coins that are uncirculated, or nearly uncirculated:

1/2 MILLIEME: $15 approximate catalog value in well presrrved condition
2 1/2 MILLIEME (octagon shape): $10
10 MILLIEME: $35

Use our Important Terminology page to convert these catalog values to actual buy and sell values.

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Egypt 1/2, 1, 2, 2 1/2, 5, and 10 Milliemes King Fuad I 1924 to 1935
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Coin: 6026, Genre: Islamic Hindu Buddhist, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201010, Last review: 201511
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Metallic gray Letters: Flowing style
Years: sort: 1924, filter: 1924 to 1935
Image: egypt_1_millieme_1932.jpg

Tags: hat curvy male swirls curves man 5th scribble helmets egyptian headband fez 2nd hooded millieme curl bonnet swirl milliemes twirly bowed curly kings helmet egypt curlicues fouad king curved 10th hood mans swirly curving fuad headdress meliems squiggley curve curlycue mens squiggles helmit sqiggles 1st caps swoosh cap curls squigle squiggly helmeted scribbles egyption squiggle

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