Spain 1/2, 1, 2 1/2, and 5 Centimos de Escudo 1865 to 1868

Spain 1/2, 1, 2 1/2, and 5 Centimos de Escudo 1865 to 1868

Spain has used many different monetary denominations throughout its history. Jenn's example is 5 one-hundredths (centimos) of an escudo. These were minted in copper, and higher denominations (10, 20, and 4 centimos de escudo) were minted in silver.

Here are some approximate catalog values for the copper coins. Use our Important Terminology page to convert these catalog values to actual buy and sell values.

worn: $3 US dollars approximate catatlog value
average circulated (like our picture): $15
well preserved: $50
coins dated 1865 with a 6-pointed star (not 3, 4, 7, or 8 pointed star) are worth about $300 in average circulated condition

worn: $5 US dollars approximate catatlog value
average circulated (like our picture): $20
well preserved: $70
coins dated 1865 with a 6-pointed star (not 3, 4, 7, or 8 pointed star) are worth about $400 in average circulated condition

worn: $3 US dollars approximate catatlog value
average circulated (like our picture): $15
well preserved: $50
coins dated 1865 with a 6-pointed star (not 3, 4, 7, or 8 pointed star) are worth about $500 in average circulated condition
coins dated 1867 with a 6-pointed star and an OM mint mark are worth about $150 in average circulated condition
coins dated 1868 with a 3-pointed star and an OM mint mark are worth about $200 in average circulated condition

worn: $4 US dollars approximate catatlog value
average circulated (like our picture): $15
well preserved: $60
coins dated 1865 with a 6-pointed star (not 3, 4, 7, or 8 pointed star) are worth about $700 in average circulated condition
coins dated 1867 with an 8-pointed star and no OM mint mark are worth about $600 in average circulated condition
coins dated 1868 with a 3-pointed star and an OM mint mark are worth about $200 in average circulated condition

Coin: 6301, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201011, Last review: 201508
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1865, filter: 1865 to 1868
Image: spain_2_1_2_centimos_escudo_1868.jpg

Tags: escutcheon encircled tiera marc shiled hispana god escvdo escudus circal female isabella sammelmarke deum diety woman rings crests marke por 5th hairline isabell reichsmark marck crest goddess spainish tiarra insignia centered women ladies chevrons dei 2nd fem tiara tigers lion espanas spanich circling isabel ladys arm crown encircles scudo divine certer circel encircle shields escudos elliptic females ringed centers reicshmark circumference encircling castel tiger coats centre womens centimo ring mintmarks crowning hispanarvm lady kohlenmarke lions gods markas reina bride espana circles loop circumscribed dom crowns circumscibed ovals circuit chevron escudo coat mintmark deuchmark deo womans hispanarium logo crowned espa centimos off espanola hispan deus ellipse sammel arms mintmaster circlet castle deity circle espania offcenter las creast spanish hispa spai cougar 1st sheild castles dreimark loops mark spain dutchemark femal feminine const hispanirvm circular incircled marks crested hisp hair grace devm gracia mint reichmark deutschemark circled hispanarvim dios satzmarke hairdo oval godess isabela shield center princess escucheon hispaniarvm offset oblong hispaniarum shild

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