Kenya 5, 10, 25, and 50 Cents and 1 Shilling 1966 to 1978

Kenya 5, 10, 25, and 50 Cents and 1 Shilling 1966 to 1978

Kenya was British until 1964. After that Kenya issued several different coin denominations, all with President Mzee Jomo Kenyatta and the unique lions, swords, and shield design. Since they are modern coins, they are worth face value unless in perfect, uncirculated condition. If you have an uncirculated coin, a collector might be willing to pay a few US dollars to add it to his or her collection.

Happily for collectors, there is one exception to the 'only worth face value' rule. It is the 1966 to 1969 25 cent coin, which was minted in small quantities. For this coin:

KENYA 25 CENTS 1966 TO 1969
worn: less than $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: $1
well preserved: $3
fully uncirculated: $5

There are some proof coins which were issued with very small mintages. These can be worth several hundred dollars each. Proof coins are minted solely for collectors and carry exquisite, mirror-like surfaces.

Except for proofs and the 25 cents above, the 5, 10, 25 and 50 cent denominations are all of low value. They are minted in various non-precious metals, mostly nickel-brass and copper-nickel. The 1 shilling denomination likewise is non-precious and is worth only face value unless fully uncirculated. Coins minted before 1969 are interesting because the obverse ("heads") side has no inscriptions or lettering.

For denominations 100 shillings and up, gold and silver are used for Kenyan coins and these are worth their weight in the precious metal.

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Kenya 5, 10, 25, and 50 Cents and 1 Shilling 1966 to 1978
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Coin: 6328, Genre: Modern-only, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201011, Last review: 201908
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1966, filter: 1966 to 1978
Image: kenya_1_shilling_1969.jpg

Tags: escutcheon republicas shiled broadsword reipvblicae shillings kenyatta sworeds saber ribbons crests 5th republique pennys crest repvbliqve cent insignia sword chevrons repbulique shilling peny repvblique tigers lion dager arm kenya dagger shields republika republiek tiger scilling coats cents penny lions republiove 10th prasident republik chevron 50th coat knife presidency swords logo daggers repub arms sash creast repvblica jomo cougar 1st sheild republicans 25th pennies president knives republicia pres crested repvbblica republican schillings rebublique presidencial swordlike shield escucheon ribon republ presidents presidente presidential republica shild republic ribbon

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